Help as a company
PAZHolandesa does not receive any government subsidies and is entirely dependent on donations. But not only financial support is welcome. We like to work together with involved organizations. Have you ever thought about using the knowledge and expertise of your company for a good cause?
Make a one-time donation or offer structural support in the form of a donorship or sponsorship of projects. Supporting a good cause can be fiscally advantageous for your company.
Your donation helps us, among other things, to carry out surgical projects for cleft or spina bifida children or to provide speech lessons. Make a one-time donation via the give donation module or transfer your contribution to NL42ABNA0548543534. Does your company prefer to offer structural support? Then consider becoming a donor. Marjan van Mourik will be happy to tell you more about the possibilities.
Sponsoring of projects and activities
As a company, you can choose to sponsor a specific activity or project of PAZHolandesa. Our director Marjan van Mourik will be happy to discuss the best cooperation option with you. In consultation, we will also look at what the fund can mean for your company, for example in the area of visibility and media attention.
Tax benefits
Fundacion PAZHolandesa is a public benefit institution (ANBI)). Gifts and sponsorships are often tax deductible. Ask your accountant about the tax benefits that may apply to your company.