


Impressions of our work

Dr.Jeff Bienstock, pediater Healing the Children

Dr.Liem Lie and Dr.Herman Bakker, urologists

Jafhed and Sophia


Free Surgical Projects

Yearly we organize 4 to 5 surgery projects such as plastic surgery for children born with a cleftlip and/or cleftplate or suffering from burnwounds also orthopedic surgery for children born with clubfoot and urological surgery for children with spina bifida or other urological defects.

Free Ancillary Treatment

All of our patients needs more than just an surgery. They receive dental care, speech therapy, psychological therapy or physiotherapy.

Our work for children born with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus

Patients with spina bifida often suffer from a neurogenic bladder and as a result cannot hold their urine. These children receive a so called urine-continence management training at our hospital. This training teaches children to catheterize a tube so they can control micturition. As a result, they are able to go to school and are more easily accepted socially. In addition, we donate surgery kits with a drain for children with hydrocephalus.

Lecturing and Training

Every surgery project concludes with a symposium or workshop. During surgery projects, Peruvian medical professionals receive training in the operation room, recovery room or ward.

Like to know more about our projects? Drop Me a Line