Sophia has had her second surgery

Sophia has had her second surgery

Yesterday Sophia (2,5 years) has had her second surgery. Dr.Francisco closed her cleftpalate. So now she will be able to learn to speak and she will receive speech lessons for that.

Equipo medico de Fundacion FES de Barcelona

Equipo medico de Fundacion FES de Barcelona

De izquierda a la derecha Dra.Gladys Barahona,pediater,Dra.Asteria Albert,cirujana plastica, Dra.Montse Bonnet, Dra.Angeles Torres y Dr.Juancho Bardaji, dentista,Dr.Francisco Parri, cirujano plastica, Marta Salas, enfermera, Dra.Silvia Parri, dentista,Dra.Christina Montalvo, Dr.Miguel Bejarano and Dra.Aisha Saleem,junior cirujana plastica, Marjan van Mourik, Dra.Dolores Pelegri,anastesista y Sr.Jorge de Solar.